Cooper's Castle
Germany Trip
We started in Frankfurt for the first surgery.
(this was the view from Deb's hospital room window)
The night before the first surgery.
View from Deb's room
Deb after the first surgery for stomach problems. It was supposed to be a one-day stay...but turned into 7 because of complications. Scott left for Turkey the the day before she was released.
By the way Batman lived up the street.
Four days after Scott returned to Turkey, he and Mandy had to take the next flight to Germany because Deb had to have emergency 6-hour surgery for infection (2 abscesses).
Deb had a feeding tube up her nose and still lost 20 lbs over the course of her hospital stays.
While we were there we stayed at the Fisher House and had a playground out front...Mandy loved it.
Photo time at the playground.
Day 3 we had snow and it was Mandy's first snow.
Mandy made her fist snowball and then threw it at Daddy.
The Flags.
Dinner with the Reynolds. Without them I don't know how we would of done it.
Great friends from Lajes.
A visit to see Momma. They ran out of veins for her IV and eventually put one in her neck. She finally was able to join us at the Fisher House.
We found a bigger playground on Landstuhl.
Monkeying around!!!
Mandy loved this park.
Mandy helping at the Fisher House and making new friends.
They took such good care of us there. They even got Mandy a Easter basket.
Easter Dinner at the Fisher House
A great time and a great meal
Alejandra from Kenya Augustine from Romania
Mandy made all kinds of friends while we were there.
Us with Cathy who ran the Fisher House. Mandy with Rick.
Our last day.
We rented the Zebra car for Mandy... she loved it. Getting ready to go back to Turkey.
The Fisher House was the best thing that could of happened to us during such a challenging ordeal. It made all that was going on so much better.
Thanks to all who helped. Our military family helped so much.