Cooper's Castle
Florida Trip
These pictures are from our trip to Florida. (October 2003)
Family Get Together
Dennis and Mom Sandra and Dad
It was great to see everyone together.
As you can see there is never a shortage of food at these events.
Scott's Dad and Sandra
Uncle Wilbur and Aunt Iris Jodie and Aunt Lily
Pammy, Wyatt and Denny Dale and Ryan
Devina, Ryan and Devin
Pammy, Deb and Tonya Scott and Troy
Scott's cousins, Steven and Susan, from England were able to make it.
Hanging with Mr. Cooper
Dad and Sandra Becca, Travis and Brooklyn
Father and son ...... these two don't look alike.
Scott's step brother Travis's little girl Brooklyn a.k.a. Strawberry Shortcake.
The pool is a must in the Florida heat . Dad's new pet.
Trip to St Petersburg
Deb, Bret and Victoria at St. John's Pass.
And a visit to the weiners and Poppy in his mansion.
Count'em... five wiener dogs!!!
Scott's 32nd Birthday at Ruby Tuesdays
Scott and Deb and the cake
Good turn out of family and friends
Scott's Parents
Lisa (Gardner) and Rebecca (Brannon) Tara, Charles, Tonya and Troy